
Våre marine peptider er komplementære til våre fettsyrer.

Dokumentasjon på hvordan bioaktive peptider og L-Carnitine kan bidra til normal hjertefunksjon og på hvordan kombinasjonen av innholdet i den hvite kapselen (marine peptider & L-karnitin) sammen med innholdet i den røde kapselen (Fettsyrer & Astaxanthin) kan bidra til å normalisere fettstoffene i blodet og forbedre immunforsvaret.

Internasjonal vitenskapelige journaler:

  1. A salmon peptide diet alleviates experimental colitis as compared with fish oil.
  2. A casein diet added isoflavone-enriched soy protein favorably affects biomarkers of steatohepatitis in obese Zucker rats.
  3. Hypolipidemic effect of dietary water-soluble protein extract from chicken: impact on genes regulating hepatic lipid and bile acid metabolism.
  4. Three differently generated salmon protein hydrolysates reveal opposite effects on hepatic lipid metabolism in mice fed a high-fat diet.
  5. Chicken Protein Hydrolysates Have Anti-Inflammatory Effects on High-Fat Diet Induced Obesity in Mice.
  6. A chicken protein hydrolysate exerts anti-atherosclerotic effect beyond plasma cholesterol-lowering activity in Apoe-/-
  7. 7A chicken protein hydrolysate exerts anti-atherosclerotic effect beyond plasma cholesterol-lowering activity in Apoe-/-
  8. Disturbed carnitine regulation in chronic heart failure–increased plasma levels of palmitoyl-carnitine are associated with poor prognosis.
  9. Free carnitine and acylcarnitines in obese patients with polycystic ovary syndrome and effects of pioglitazone treatment.
  10. Low levels of short- and medium-chain acylcarnitines in HIV-infected patients.
  11. Serum Acylcarnitines and Risk of Cardiovascular Death and Acute Myocardial Infarction in Patients With Stable Angina Pectoris.
  12. Elevated trimethylamine-N-oxide (TMAO) is associated with poor prognosis in primary sclerosing cholangitis patients with normal liver function.
  13. Effect of Dietary Components from Antarctic Krill on Atherosclerosis in apoE-Deficient Mice.
  14. Serum Carnitine Metabolites and Incident Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus in Patients With Suspected Stable Angina Pectoris.
  15. Combination of fish oil and fish protein hydrolysate reduces the plasma cholesterol level with a concurrent increase in hepatic cholesterol level in high-fat-fed Wistar rats.