1. General

These terms of purchase apply to the purchase of goods from Enedria AS over the internet. The terms of purchase were last updated on June 10, 2021, and apply to all concluded and new agreements.

2. Parties

The seller is:
Enedria AS
Energivegen 20
4056 Tananger
Email: webshop@enedria.no
Organization number 919 166 142
and is referred to as “Enedria AS,” “we,” “us,” or “seller” below.
The buyer is the person specified as the buyer in the order, regardless of the purchase channel, and is referred to as “you,” “your,” or “the customer” below.
You must be 18 years old to become a customer of Enedria AS.

3. Subscription

Enedria sells the products on a continuous subscription basis. Delivery typically occurs after 14 days and subsequently according to the chosen delivery frequency, without purchase obligation or binding period. The subscription can be canceled continuously. Upon cancellation, the subscription is immediately terminated, effective from the next shipment. You can contact customer service at any time to arrange a pause, change, or cancel your subscription. Changes to products, delivery methods, and delivery frequency may occur. Notifications of changes will be sent in due time before they take effect. Minor changes, such as altered packaging, will not be notified beyond information on our website. Subscription applications may be denied for valid reasons, such as attempted fraud, lack of creditworthiness, and similar.

4. Prices

Our prices are listed in Norwegian kroner and include VAT. The product price may vary depending on the sales channel, distribution, and special offers. Prices apply until changed. Notification of price changes will be sent in due time before the changes take effect. Introductory offers cannot be exploited unfairly through frequent and repetitive subscription applications/cancellations as they are primarily aimed at new customers. Shipping and handling fees are added to each shipment according to current rates unless otherwise agreed.

5. Delivery

We send our shipments according to the agreed delivery frequency with Posten. If the delivery time is not specified in the order solution, we will deliver the product without undue delay and no later than 30 days from your order.
We issue a written invoice that serves as an order confirmation and is included with all shipments. For special offers, larger or multiple orders, it may be necessary for the order to be picked up at the post office due to size and weight.
Delivery is considered complete when you or your representative have taken possession of the product.
In case of delayed delivery, you may, depending on the circumstances, withhold the purchase amount, demand delivery, seek compensation, or cancel the agreement.

6. Payment

You pay when ordering online with Visa/MasterCard.
The card is charged upon ordering.

7. Right of withdrawal

You are protected by the Right of Withdrawal Act and have an unconditional 14-day right of withdrawal from the day you receive the product on your first shipment. All calendar days are included in the deadline. If the deadline ends on a Saturday, public holiday, or bank holiday, the deadline is extended to the nearest working day. The withdrawal period is considered met if the notice is sent before the deadline expires.
The right of withdrawal means that you have the right to cancel the purchase of an unopened product and return the item. To exercise the right of withdrawal, the product must therefore be returned to us in the same quantity and condition as you received it. If the value of the product is reduced more than necessary to determine its nature, characteristics, and function, you must cover this depreciation. Unless otherwise agreed, you must cover the direct costs of returning the product.
Further information on how to use the right of withdrawal is provided in the withdrawal form that accompanies the first order.
If you exercise your right of withdrawal, we will refund the purchase price without undue delay, and no later than 14 days from when we receive notice from you. We have the right to withhold the payment until we have received the returned products or until you have provided documentation that the item has been sent.
We will make the refund using the same payment method that you used in the original transaction, unless you have expressly agreed otherwise with us. Questions about the right of withdrawal can be directed to customer service at phone 800 80 818 or email kundeservice@vnp.no.

8. Complaints

If the delivered product is defective, you may, depending on the circumstances, demand rectification of the defect, replacement, a price reduction, compensation, or cancellation of the agreement. If there is a defect in the product, you must notify the seller within a reasonable time after the defect was discovered or should have been discovered. You have always notified in time if it is done within 2 months of discovering the defect. The right to complain is limited to complaints within the product’s expiration date as indicated on the packaging, and no later than 2 years after you received the product. Late complaints result in the loss of the right to assert the defect. The right to complain is in addition to the right of withdrawal. In case of complaints, defects, and deficiencies, any shipping costs will be covered. We will make the refund using the same payment method you used in the original transaction, unless you have expressly agreed otherwise with us.

9. Seller's Rights in the Event of Customer's Breach

If you do not pay or fulfill the other obligations under the agreement or law, and this is not due to the seller or circumstances on the seller’s part, we may, in accordance with the rules in the Consumer Purchase Act, Chapter 9, depending on the circumstances, withhold the product, demand fulfillment of the agreement, demand the agreement canceled, and seek compensation from you. Depending on the circumstances, we may charge interest for late payment and collection fees, and if you fail to collect unpaid products, the seller may charge you a fee. The fee shall cover the seller’s actual expenses for delivering the product to you.

10. Personal data

To fulfill this agreement, the seller will process certain personal data that can be linked to you (e.g., name and address). You can read more about our processing of personal data by clicking on the following link: https://enedria.no/personvern/.
If you withdraw from this agreement, we will refund all payments we have received from you, including delivery costs (except for additional costs resulting from your choice of a delivery method other than the cheapest type of standard delivery we offer), without undue delay and in any case no later than 14 days after the day we receive notice of your decision to withdraw from this agreement.

11. Customer service

We have customer service available and respond within 1 business day. You can send an email to kundeservice@enedria.no.We have customer service available and respond within 1 business day. You can send an email to kundeservice@enedria.no.

12. Reservations and limitations of liability

The seller reserves the right to transfer its rights and obligations under this agreement to another party. We also reserve the right for operational interruptions, printing errors, incorrect prices, VAT, and other tax changes or delivery issues due to circumstances beyond our control. Any offers are valid as long as stock lasts (as specified in connection with each campaign).
The seller is not responsible for misuse of products and recommends that you follow the recommended dosage on the package.

13. Changes to Terms of Purchase

These terms of purchase are subject to change due to special needs and/or legal changes, requirements, or recommendations. In the event of changes to the terms, you will be notified of this. Such notice will be given no later than 1 month before the changes take effect. If you, based on the amended terms, wish to terminate the agreement, you are free to do so. Failure to terminate the agreement after changing the terms of the agreement means that you accept the updated terms of the agreement. New terms will be announced on our website in combination with the distribution of the new terms.

14. Dispute Resolution

If you wish to complain about your purchase, contact customer service. Complaints should be directed to the seller within a reasonable time, cf. points 7 and 8. The parties should attempt to resolve any dispute amicably. If this is not successful, you can contact the Consumer Council for mediation. The Consumer Council can be reached at phone 23 400 500 or at www.forbrukerradet.no. If mediation does not succeed, you or the seller may bring the matter to court. The agreement is governed by Norwegian law. The proper venue is Oslo District Court.

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